The Robin Project Part 6 - Recording MIDI CC Curves
This installment looks at recording MIDI Control Change Curves to control the details available through the various parameters of your...
The Robin Project Part 5 - Using Plug-Ins and MIRPro
We're all set with our Notion score, We've created a VSL Ensemble and assigned VIenna Symphonic Library instruments to it. How about...
The Robin Project Part 4 - Inserting and Assigning VSL Instruments
We've created a Vienna Ensemble instance, and it's waiting for instruments. How do we insert instuments into it? How do we assign those...
The Robin Project Part 3 - Create a VE Instance
We've got a score in place. Now we need to create a Vienna Ensemble instance in order to play it back.
The Robin Project Part 2 - Setup and Input
Now for it! We're going to look at initial score setup and note input. This is pretty basic stuff and is covered very completely in the...

Robin Project - A Disclaimer and a Request
OK, some basics! Some of this may be old hat for many of you, but I'd like to start pretty much from scratch to make this blog...

Robin - A Notion/VSL Project - Introduction
Some folks on the various online communities that deal with Notion and virtual orchestration have encouraged me to post a blog to explain...